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My #3 Most Favorite Legal Podcast

As a solo practitioner whose practice area encompasses pretty much the entire northern half of the large state of Georgia, I spend a lot of time in my car. For me, some of that time is usually spent updating clients on their cases. But that still usually leaves me with several hours each week to listen to podcasts. Fortunately, there are enough good ones out there that I’m never bored. This month I’ll be counting down to my favorite law-related podcast. The past two weeks featured Opening Arguments and Accused. This week I’ll be talking about…

Serial:  Season 3

Serial made big waves a few years ago when it debuted. The first two seasons focused solely on one case each. The third season, though, is a bit different. In it, investigative reported Sarah Koenig does a deep dive into the criminal justice system in Cleveland, Ohio, and the cases that pass through Cleveland’s court system every day. She follows a few particular defendants, but also speaks with defense attorneys, judges, and prosecutors. My fellow Georgia criminal defense attorneys will not be surprised by much of what Koenig discusses, but I imagine that people who have never encountered the criminal justice system would be surprised by certain things, such as how easy it is to get wrapped up in the system, whether you’ve done anything wrong or not, and how difficult it is to get out once you’re there.

If this sounds interesting to you, click here for more information or to download. And I’d love to hear what you think once you’ve listened. Give me your feedback either here or on social media.

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