7 Things to Do If You Are Charged with a Felony in Georgia

As soon as you know of the felony charges against you, it is essential to protect your rights. Remember these key points:

1. Remain Silent

Exercise your right to remain silent and avoid making statements to the police or other law enforcement officials until you have an attorney present. Anything you say can be used against you in court. If you are asked any questions, assert your right to legal representation and ask for an attorney as soon as possible. It is crucial that you do not answer any questions or participate in interrogations without your attorney present.

2. Hire an Experienced Criminal Defense Attorney

Securing the services of an experienced criminal defense attorney is crucial when facing felony charges. It is important that you have an attorney on your side who specializes in criminal defense and has a deep understanding of Georgia’s criminal justice system. Your attorney will guide you through the legal process, protect your rights, and build a strong defense strategy tailored to your case.

3. Be Truthful With Your Criminal Defense Attorney

Being honest and forthcoming with your criminal defense attorney ensures the most effective legal representation. Doing so enables your attorney to protect your rights, assess your case accurately, develop a tailored defense strategy, manage expectations, and anticipate the prosecution’s tactics. Trust is fundamental in the attorney-client relationship.

4. Understand the Charges Against You

Work closely with your attorney to thoroughly understand the specific felony charges filed against you. Felonies in Georgia can range from drug offenses and theft to assault, homicide, or white-collar crimes. Understanding the charges will help you understand the consequences and develop an effective defense strategy.

5. Gather and Preserve Evidence

Collaborate closely with your attorney to gather and preserve evidence that supports your defense. The evidence may include witness statements, surveillance footage, documents, or other relevant information to help challenge the prosecution’s case against you. Ensure your attorney knows any potential witnesses or evidence to benefit your defense.

6. Do Not Miss Court

Attending court hearings is a legal obligation that you must fulfill. Failure to appear can result in a warrant being issued for your arrest, leading to additional charges and potential penalties. By showing up for court, you demonstrate your respect for the legal process and willingness to comply with the proceedings.

Additionally, court appearances allow you to stay informed about any orders or instructions issued by the court. These may include bond conditions, pretrial release requirements, or specific instructions related to your case. By attending court, you can ensure you understand and comply with all court orders, reducing the risk of violating any conditions and facing further legal consequences.

7. Explore Defense Strategies

Your attorney will analyze the evidence, scrutinize the circumstances of your arrest, and assess the prosecution’s case to develop defense strategies. Possible defenses may include lack of intent, self-defense, mistaken identity, illegal search and seizure, or insufficient evidence.

Questions? Give Me A Call!

Navigating the criminal legal system can be confusing. I have decades of experience fighting for clients at all stages of their cases. I know the players in the Georgia criminal court, and I am here to help you throughout the life of your case. If you need a criminal defense attorney or have legal questions, give me a call today!

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