Traffic Offenses

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Georgia DDS Administering Socially-Distanced Driving Test

In the midst of a pandemic, it is no longer safe to administer a driving test the old-fashioned way, with an examiner riding in the car and observing the on-road behavior of a prospective teen driver (or other driver’s license applicant). As a result, the Georgia Department of Driver Services (DDS) has been forced to […]

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Georgia Speeding Crackdown

Georgia Speeding Crackdown Begins Today

As you begin your work week, watch out for speed traps. Beginning today (July 15, 2019), law enforcement agencies around Georgia and surrounding states will be participating in Operation Southern Shield, a speeding and traffic violation crackdown that will run until July 21, 2019. If you do end up getting a speeding ticket during Operation

Georgia Speeding Crackdown Begins Today Continue Reading »

Atlanta Municipal Court

Bench Warrant Dismissal in Atlanta Municipal Court

Bench Warrant Dismissal in Atlanta Municipal Court Yesterday I was in Fulton County getting a case dismissed. Today I was just up the street in Atlanta Municipal Court securing a dismissal on a different, though nonetheless important, type of matter: a Failure to Appear and Bench Warrant. I have written at length about Failures of

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Fulton County State Courthouse

Another Day, Another Dismissal (and Another Happy Client)

Another Day, Another Dismissal (and Another Happy Client) Not a bad start to the week. This particular case was a traffic case that was bound over (transferred) from municipal court to Fulton County State Court. There were two charges: Failure to Maintain Lane and Failure to Obey Traffic Control Device. We requested a jury trial.

Another Day, Another Dismissal (and Another Happy Client) Continue Reading »

Things To Know During Memorial Day Traffic Crackdowns

10 Things To Know During Memorial Day Traffic Crackdowns All attorneys who practice DUI law in Georgia know that holiday weekends mean traffic enforcement crackdowns, and Memorial Day weekend is no exception. On Monday, law enforcement officials in Georgia and its neighboring states began what they call the “Hands Across the Border” traffic enforcement campaign.

Things To Know During Memorial Day Traffic Crackdowns Continue Reading »

Parents of Teen Drivers: What You Need to Know

Georgia’s TADRS: Teenage and Adult Driver Responsibility Act was enacted in 1997.  The law establishes the concept of Graduated Driver Licensing for 16-year-old drivers and also imposes additional restrictions on drivers up to age 18 and up to 21.  Prior to the enactment of this law, the fatality rate of teenage drivers was very high. 

Parents of Teen Drivers: What You Need to Know Continue Reading »

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