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Legal News You May Have Missed

It has been a crazy week/month/6 years from a news perspective. There is always so much going on. Here are a few pieces you may have missed that are particularly relevant for the legal community and people interested in Georgia news:

Fulton County Holds Record Restriction Clinic

On May 7, 2022, the Fulton County District Attorney’s Office and the Georgia Justice Project held a record restriction clinic in Atlanta. The clinic was aimed at helping locals speed up the record restriction process, which can be lengthy and confusing. At the clinic, attorneys were on hand to assist individuals with filling out paperwork, and a judge was present to sign off on the spot. 

A person’s criminal history is never permanently deleted, and law enforcement and the justice system will always have access to it. However, record restriction can prevent the general public from being able to view these records, including potential employers and landlords. As a result, record restriction can be life-changing for individuals seeking employment or stable housing. 

Click here to read my article about record restriction. If you have questions regarding your eligibility for record restriction or about how to complete the process, get in touch today.


Atlanta Police Target “DUI Hotpots” With Checkpoints

Example of what a checkpoint may look like

The Atlanta Police Department has increased DUI checkpoints in 2022, which, according to APD, has reduced fatal DUI accidents by 40%. On Cinco de Mayo, APD made more than 12 DUI arrests within a 3-hour timeframe. 

APD says that it intends to continue its aggressive enforcement of Georgia’s DUI laws through the use of roadblocks moving forward. This tracks with trends I have seen in previous years, especially in the summertime. In my practice, I see an increase in checkpoints every summer, particularly on holidays such as Memorial Day and the Fourth of July. 

Questions about your rights at a DUI or Vehicle Safety Checkpoint? Read my article about Knowing Your Rights at a DUI Checkpoint. Arrested for DUI at a checkpoint? Learn more here or get in touch today.


Driver of “Pedal Pub” Arrested in Atlanta, Charged with DUI After Midtown Accident

Atlanta police arrested the driver of a “Pedal Pub” in Midtown Atlanta after the Pedal Pub overturned, injuring several passengers.

While most people do not routinely drive Pedal Pubs, many of us do bike regularly (myself included). It’s important to realize that Georgia law classifies bicycles as vehicles. That means that you can be arrested for DUI if you are cycling under the influence.

If you are convicted of DUI on a bicycle, you are subject to the same punishment as a person convicted of DUI in a motor vehicle. This includes a mandatory license suspension.

Like every person charged with DUI (or any other offense), the individual charged here is innocent until proven guilty and deserves an aggressive defense. If you have been arrested for DUI, give me a call today.


Governor Brian Kemp Installs Two New Solicitors

Earlier this week, Governor Brian Kemp named two new solicitors to prosecute misdemeanors in Georgia. 

Brooklyn Franklin was installed as Solicitor in the State Court of Long County, and Luana Nolen is the new Solicitor in the Paulding County State Court in Dallas, Georgia. While Long County is slightly outside of my practice area, I do visit Paulding County. That means I will likely get to know Solicitor Nolen as I negotiate excellent deals for my clients in Paulding County. Click here to see where I go around Georgia.


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